Lab - Codespaces requirements

Organizational setup that's needed for the Codespaces workshop

Lab - Codespaces


  • Modern Web Browser
  • Azure Subscription with a Service Principal with Contributor permissions
    • az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "codespaces-workshop" --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID> --sdk-auth
    • Save above output for GitHub setup
  • Register the following providers with az if not already registered
    • az provider register --namespace Microsoft.App
    • az provider register --namespace Microsoft.OperationalInsights
  • Storage Account in the sub for state management
    • Resource Group: “codespaces-demo-resources”
    • Storage Account Name: “codespacesstate$POSTFIX” where $POSTFIX is some random slug
    • Container Name: “codespacesstate”
    • Public network access
    • Container should have private access only
  • Organization w/Codespaces enabled
    • Azure Subscription SP details as GitHub Org Secrets
    • Setup tested with “Workshop Setup Test” Action from workshop repo. Modify setup-test/, in a copy of the workshop template, appropriately to reflect Storage Account name